Perl Configuration for the Proxy

This article describes how to configure the Proxy Host with Basic Authentication in the Perl programming/scripting language for an HTTP client.

ProxyMesh also supports IP address authentication, for which you do not need to use a username and password. Instead, set the http_proxy environment variable to http://PROXYHOST:PORT.

Perl Library for the Web

Perl libraries are available through the CPAN (for " Comprehensive Perl Archive Network"). Among CPAN libraries for making HTTP requests, LWP (for "libwww-perl") is a popular choice. Included in LWP is an API to an HTTP client as well as a range of HTML utilities and standard objects to represent HTTP requests and responses.

Here's a code example for a request from LWP 6.39 ( from
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );

use LWP::UserAgent;
	my$ua= LWP::UserAgent->new;

	my@phases= (
	    'request_preprepare', 'request_prepare',
	    'request_send',       'response_header',
	    'response_data',      'response_done',
       formy$phase(@phases) {
	$ua->add_handler($phase = > sub { say "$phase"; return undef;});


Proxy Attributes

The following methods are set up for requests to be passed through a proxy server.


$ua->env_proxy; must be called to load the environmental variable, as described at this link.


This is the environmental variable from which the proxy settings are loaded. The value should look like this: http://PROXYHOST:PORT

Note that HTTP_PROXY is not honored for CGI scripts. Instead, you can use the CGI_HTTP_PROXY environment variable.

CSH or TCSH users should use the setenv command to define these environment variables.

proxy function

from Note that USERNAME:PASSWORD is unnecessary if using IP address authentication.
# For a single scheme:
$ua->proxy($scheme, $proxy_url)
$ua->proxy('http', 'http://PROXYHOST:PORT', proxyuserpwd: 'USERNAME:PASSWORD');

# To set multiple proxies at once:
    [ 'http', 'https' ] => 'http://PROXYHOST:PORT',

Perl and libcurl

If you want to extend Perl with cURL/libcurl functionality, you can use WWW::Curl.

Perl and Selenium

Follow this link for information on using Perl with Selenium the automated web UI testing application.

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