IP Addresses

IP Addresses

General information about ProxyMesh IP addresses.

For more details, please click on the links in the article.

Outgoing IPs

Currently, each of the 15 rotating proxy server locations has 10 outgoing IPs. This makes a total of 150 IPs.

Because the proxy servers are shared by all customers, we cannot increase the number of IPs for your account. You can only get additional IPs by accessing more proxy servers.

The Open Proxy server may have anywhere from 100 to over 1000 IPs, and the World proxy server has about 25,000 IPs.

Frequency of IP Address Changes

The 15 main rotating proxy server networks change IPs every 12 hours, providing a total of 300 different IPs every day (and you don't have to do any manual switching). The rotation times are staggered, so they don't all rotate at once.

The Open proxies change at a rate of about 100/hour (~100 removed, ~100 new).

The World proxy IPs are static.

Concurrent Requests

All of our proxies have a limit of 100 concurrent connections per IP address. Requests exceeding the limit result in 503 error responses. Therefore, if you are running queries with traffic exceeding 100 concurrent connections/IP/proxy, and if you cannot slow your crawl rate, you will need to use multiple proxies.

Connecting to the Proxy IP Address

Each proxy server has its own IP address, which you can see in the Proxy Status Page. We recommend connecting to the proxy hostname though, in case the IP address needs to change. The proxy is designed to supply “outgoing” IP addresses and substitute them for your own personal IP to use for data requests.

You can’t use the proxy's own IP address for data requests. That's because the proxy server's address is not an "outgoing" IP. Remote sites will not see any transmission from this address.

Controlling IP addresses

You can send custom headers to the proxy server to control which IP addresses you use.

Further Information

For more details, please see our articles:

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